Saturday, November 19, 2005

Last Christmas

This time last year, I was less than four months old. As you can imagine, I was mostly uncontrollable and over-excited - which made having a Christmas tree lots of fun!

When the tree first went up, I worked out that I could munch on the branches and run off with the decorations. So mum and dad got this fence to put around the tree. As if that was going to stop me! Through trial and error, I discovered that if I pushed hard enough, I could get UNDER the fence.

So mum and dad threw a couple of wooden stools in there to hold it up. Did it work? Of course not. I could still get under... only there was a problem. I couldn't work out how to get back out! I would jump up on the fence and make whiny noises until someone came and let me out.

I wonder what will happen this Christmas...